Concrete Testing Adherence Collaboration Program
NDRM&CPA are proud to announce that we are Partners of the Concrete Testing Adherence Collaboration Program!
Recognizing the need for a collaborative effort to ensure job-site material testing of ready-mixed concrete across North Dakota, the NDRM&CPA has partnered with the Colorado Ready Mixed Concrete Association, National Ready Mix Association, and multiple other state associations in the administration of the Concrete Testing Adherence Collaboration (CTAC) Program. Beginning with a “soft-launch” for NDRM&CPA members during the 2024 construction season, and a full-launch of the program during the 2025 construction season, our volunteer observers will be collecting data on job-site material testing of ready mixed concrete across the state.
To Minimize/eliminate the effects of false negative/positive concrete tests on producers, owners, contractors, engineering firms, and the entire concrete construction industry.
The job-site testing of concrete is an important part of providing quality concrete for construction projects. However, it is not always known how well the testing is performed, including the condition of the testing equipment and calibration, how the samples are handled, transported, and stored, and whether the correct test has been conducted. While there are standards, training, and certification through ACI, ASTM, and other programs, there has not been sufficient means to monitor the application of the testing procedures.
The CTAC program was initiated in Colorado in 2015 and has now been adopted nationwide by the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association. Individual states are implementing through their state associations in our region, such as Minnesota and Iowa.
Under the CTAC program, ready mixed concrete companies will have their technicians go to job sites a few times a week to observe testing. They will record their observations through a cell phone app that asks 4 questions: 1) tester’s ACI certification number; 2) whether the sampling was done per ASTM C 172; 3) whether tests were completed and strength specimens molded correctly; and 4) whether the samples were stored in the initial curing environment correctly, including temperature monitoring.
For more information regarding the Concrete Testing Adherence Collaboration Program, please visit www.concretetac.com.
Calling all ACI Registered Grade I Field Testing Technicians, PE’s, and Project Managers!
We are in need of volunteer observers for our program in North Dakota! We all spend time “watching” concrete testing on construction sites – why not fill out a checklist?! The data collected through the program is collected via a web-based mobile application (no internet connection is required at the time of observation) and uploaded to a centralized and secure location.
Please select NDRMCPA in the Partner drop down!
NDRM&CPA CTAC Program Onboarding Training is scheduled for June 14th, 2024 at 09:00AM CDT | 08:00AM MDT. Upon approval of your application, you will be sent a Zoom Meeting link.
Monthly Observer Trainings are scheduled through the Program Administrator, JT Mesite, PE. These live trainings are intended to provide time for Q&A, technical assistance, and general discussion between approved observers and the program administrators. All live trainings are 1:30PM Central Time, 12:30PM Mountain Time at the dates listed below for 2024:
June 14
July 12
August 9
September 13
October 11
November 8
December 13